Excellence in Human Performance Assessment
instrumented handles
The KINGRIP is a pair of instrumented handles specifically designed to instrument a KINARM End-Point lab. Each KINGRIP handle has a removable cover to be grasped in a power grip (with cover) and in a precision grip (without cover).
Each handle is instrumented to measure the normal force (grip force) and the horizontal tangential force (load force) applied on each contact surface. The proximity sensor of the KINARM is supplemented by one finger proximity sensor beside each contact surface. The KINGRIP handles are connected to a dedicated force amplifier with analog outputs.
- NVoluntary motor control research
- NOptimal feedback control research
- NHaptics research
- NVirtual reality
- NRehabilitation
The KINGRIP instrumented handles offer the following features and functions:
- NPower grip and precision grip for BKIN KINARM End-Point Lab
- NTextured removable cover
- NHandle rotation
- NGrip and horizontal load force under each finger
- NExcellent measuring accuracy
- NFinger proximity sensors
- NAmplifier enclosure stackable with KINARM signal conditioner
- NZero offset button and digital input
- NAnalog interface to KINARM data acquisition system and Dexterit-E(TM)

- Kuling IA, Salmen F, Lefèvre P.
Grip force preparation for collisions.
Exp Brain Res. 2019 Oct;237(10):2585-2594. doi: 10.1007/s00221-019-05606-y. Epub 2019 Aug 1. PMID: 31372687.